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已有 1135 次阅读2022-10-6 00:18

Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with the scientific study of human learning. It's concerned with studying the emotional, cognitive and social processes in learning, and using such knowledge to aid better learning processes.
Educational psychologists have used various psychology perspectives to explain how learning occurs, some of which are
The Developmental Perspective: Psychologists have come to understand the way children learn skills and knowledge during development. This has allowed the creation of educational systems ie primary, secondary and tertiary education. These levels of education can only be attained by children at certain
An increasingly important area of ​​study is the relationship between teachers and students. For example, according to one popular theory, when someone is more powerful than another person (for example, a teacher vs. a student), the less powerful person will become overly powerful submissive and might appear to be self-effacing.
Another area of ​​study is how personality affects learning styles. A common idea is that some people are visual learners and others are auditory learners — that is, they learn best when information is presenteacd visually or verbally (respectively). The truth may be more complicated : For example, if you're trying to teach someone how to play soccer by showing them pictures of plays or telling them verbally how to do it, they probably won't learn very well either way.
Schools are looking for the best ways to teach and reach kids. Sometimes, teachers and administrators need a little help finding that path. And that's where psychology comes in.
Psychology can help teachers understand their own emotions and behaviors, as well as those of their students. Psychologists use their knowledge to study learning disabilities and create programs to deal with them. They also examine how motivation affects learning, how students learn best, and how they develop emotionally as they grow.






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